There are more than 120 bricks and mortar and in-home businesses in Tellico Village.
Many of them are owned and operated by Villagers who are committed to bring exceptional service, quality products and convenience to their neighbors.
Found at the southern end of the Village at the junction of Route 72 and the Tellico Parkway is one of the Village’s chief shopping districts. Local grocery shopping is done at the community Food Lion, prescriptions and over-the-counter-drugs are purchased at the Village’s independent pharmacy, Preferred Pharmacy, and Sloan’s Hardware functions as a full-service hardware store with everything from building supplies to landscape materials to light bulbs and more. The Tellico Village Post Office is also located in Sloan’s.
Village Square acts as the nominal center of Tellico Village. Two banks – Truist and United Community – have branches in the square. There is a combination of retail, commercial and professional services located in Village Square from a restaurant to real estate firms to financial advisors. A Marathon gas station can be found at the corner of Chota Road and the Tellico Parkway right next to Village Square.
Not all retirement communities in Tennessee have the breadth of local shopping enjoyed by Tellico Village residents.
Farmer’s Market
A weekly highlight throughout the year is the Village’s Farmer Market. Staged in Village Square behind the Welcome Center on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, the event attracts 25-30 vendors providing fresh produce, bake goods, crafts and a variety of other items. Musicians often perform adding a festive air to the event. Wednesday mornings at the Farmer’s Market is where Villagers gather, socialize and shop.
Shop Tellico Village Tellico Village Business Alliance
In 2018 many of the businesses serving the community banded together to form the Tellico Village Business Alliance. The TVBA publishes annually a directory listing the member contact details and throughout the year promotes “Shop Tellico Village” effort.
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