Tellico Village Solo Club

Tellico Village Solo Club

For decades, the Tellico Village Solo Club has provided a niche for people looking to meet others who share similar interests and to help some get back out in the community after the loss of a loved one. Not to be confused with “single and ready to mingle,” think of it as more of a support group for like minded individuals. The clubs goal is to socialize, take trips together, have dinners together, meet for lunch, and get together for activities.

Solo Club members’ ages range from 50s to the oldest at 91 years old. Not everyone moves to Tellico Village as a married couple. Single men and women move here all the time. Sometimes they are at a loss in this time of their life and are not exactly sure where they will fit in. It can be lonely when you have spent most of your life with your significant other and had planned to retire together. Plans can change in the blink of an eye.

Annual dues are $15. Newcomers are welcome to join and it isn’t solely limited to Villagers. There are about a dozen others from outside the Village.

The important thing is for people to understand that this organization fulfills a niche that had not been met before in the Village years and years ago. There is no pressure to mingle with members of the opposite sex. That’s not what this club is about. It’s about filling a need, providing support, and preventing loneliness.

This might be just the opportunity that you have been looking for. There’s something for everyone here at Tellico Village.